Google Maps images sparked rumors about an alien base in Egypt

What is this bizarre structure found in the Egyptian desert? UFO hunters speculate after strange building is spotted on Google Earth

A bizarre structure in the Egyptian desert and visible on Google Earth has sparked a wave of speculation among UFO hunters.

The strange complex, in barren landscape to the east of the capital Cairo, features two long pointed buildings surrounded by mysterious circles.

Its futuristic design has prompted a range of suggestions over what it is used for – with some even believing it has links to UFO research.


A bizarre structure in the Egyptian desert and visible on Google Earth has sparked a wave of speculation among UFO hunters


The futuristic design has prompted a range of suggestions over what it is used for – with some even believing it has links to UFO research

The existence of the building was highlighted by Secureteam10 which describes itself as a source for ‘UFO sighting videos’ as well as ‘government cover-up and the alien activity happening on and off our planet’.

Commenting on a YouTube video posted by the group, George Gerbanas said: ‘This reminds me of star wars.’

Dennis Huffman asked whether it was the Egyptian governments ‘secret UFO base’.


The strange complex, in baron landscape to the east of the capital Cairo, features two long pointed buildings surrounded by mysterious circles

But some were more sceptical and suggested there were any number of explanations for the buildings.

In one post, Adam Looze dismissed any alien links pointing out: ‘Its right next to the highway. How secret can it be?’

Other YouTube users suggested it was a ‘nuclear bunker’ a ‘sand farm’ and ‘underground base’ or a ‘missile launch site’.

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