Bent-Eared Cat Seeks Help: Rescued Just in Time to Reveal Her Hidden Kittens

A cat with a bent ear came up to kind people for help. They got her indoors just in time for her kittens to arrive.

imageFreyaEllen Richter

In a heartwarming twist, a group of kind-hearted neighbors spotted a stray cat with a bent ear roaming their streets and began feeding her. Over time, the cat, affectionately nicknamed ‘Crooked Ear,’ grew more trusting and would eagerly approach them for her meals.

As her once-skinny frame began to round out, it became clear that she was not just eating for herself – she was expecting. Realizing her need for a safe and loving home, they reached out to Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions, hoping to find her the care she deserved

imageEllen Richter

Ellen Richter, a foster volunteer for the rescue, warmly welcomed her into her home and lovingly named her Freya.

Freya, nervous and unsure of her new surroundings, immediately took refuge in a sink to decompress. “I let her relax and get comfortable with me. I’m so thankful she has a safe place to be.”

imageShe was so nervous that she tried to hide in the sinkEllen Richter

Later that day, feeling more at ease in Ellen’s presence, Freya ventured from the sink to the floor and began interacting with her foster mom. She gazed up at Ellen wide-eyed, begging for attention and pets.

She showered her foster mom with affectionate headbutts and occasional love bites.

imageShe warmed up to her foster momEllen Richter

Freya’s right ear is bent backward, and her left ear shows signs of scarring. After wandering the streets for so long, she was delighted to finally have a roof over her head and an abundance of food to enjoy.

The next day, Ellen walked into the room to discover Freya with kittens by her side. She gave birth to a litter of six, pouring all her energy and love into nurturing them.

imageEllen came into the room to find Freya with her newborn kittensEllen Richter

Freya was so devoted to her kittens that she wouldn’t leave their side, not even to eat. Ellen brought her food, plate after plate, to ensure she was nourished and cared for.

After eating to her heart’s content, Freya lay with her kittens nestled against her warm belly, happily stretching her paws in the air.

imageShe gave birth to six healthy kittensEllen Richter

“Mom is amazing, and the kittens are thriving.”

Even when Freya took a break from her kittens, she never strayed far, keeping a watchful eye on them while seeking attention from her foster mom.

imageFreya constantly makes biscuitsEllen Richter

Freya has been the happiest mother, kneading with her front paws all day long. Her kittens are growing by leaps and bounds, with some already displaying their cattitude.

With their eyes still closed, the kittens hiss at unfamiliar scents as a natural defense mechanism.

imageEllen Richter

The kittens, now five days old, are wiggling around the nest with newfound energy. In about a week, their eyes will open, and their adventurous spirits will begin to shine.

Freya is starting to move around more in the room, knowing her kittens are safe.

imageEllen Richter

She is incredibly loving and caring to her demanding six, diligently keeping them fed and clean. If one of them makes a peep, she rushes to their side, ensuring their needs are met.

imageEllen Richter

Thanks to the kindness of many people, Freya has found a second chance at life.

She will never have to worry about food and shelter again, and her kittens will grow up knowing only love and comfort.

imageEllen Richter

Share this story with your friends. More on Freya the cat mom, her kittens, and Ellen’s fosters on Instagram and Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions on Instagram.

Related story: Cat Follows His New Family from Room to Room, Guarding Them After Many Lonely Years Outside

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