3,000 people flock to the US base in the desert to see ‘aliens’

Originating from a call on Facebook, 3,000 Americans rushed to an area with a top-secret US military base after rumors that aliens would appear here.

A resident named Matty Robert took to Facebook to create an event called “Squall on Area 51. They can’t stop all of us”. Area 51 is a US military base in Nevada.

The event takes place on September 20 (US time). Nearly 2 million people clicked “going” (attending) this event, making authorities worry that there will be a crisis situation in the Nevada desert – considered the location of a top-secret military base of the US military.

Robert later admitted it was just a joke. This 27-year-old young man has deleted the above event organization entry. However, Robert’s joke also caused about 3,000 people to appear near Area 51 on the morning of September 20 (US time), according to CNN.

3.000 người đổ xô đến căn cứ Mỹ ở sa mạc xem người ngoài hành tinh - Ảnh 2.

“They threatened to storm in. The officers warned them of the consequences of storming the base, so they thought again,” said Kerry Lee, Lincoln County sheriff.

Meanwhile, according to Reuters, police arrested three people near Area 51, including one Canadian, while a woman was briefly detained after trying to cross the fence into Area 51.

Police Lee said the military is still increasing guard at Area 51 due to concerns that more people will flock to this base on the evening of September 20 and on weekends.

3.000 người đổ xô đến căn cứ Mỹ ở sa mạc xem người ngoài hành tinh - Ảnh 3.

Area 51 has long been considered the most top secret military base of the US Government. Many theories suggest that this is the place containing the remains of a flying saucer and alien bodies after a UFO accident in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

It was not until 2013 that the US Government confirmed the existence of Area 51. The US Federal Investigation Agency (CIA) at that time released documents proving that this base was used to test aircraft. top secret detective.

3.000 người đổ xô đến căn cứ Mỹ ở sa mạc xem người ngoài hành tinh - Ảnh 4.

However, these documents still do not quell many people’s suspicions about Washington detaining aliens at Area 51.

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